First-Born Asian Male

I had a discussion with one of my friends about the fact that the first-born male in an Asian family has a tendency to feel responsible for his parents. To help them out with anything and to make sure their life is good. I never thought about this until it was spelled out to me like this.

I grew up with primarily American, not culture-specific ideals (or at least I think so). I grew up very far away from extended family members so I don't think their influence in this matter had much sway over me. Yet for some reason I do appear to follow this stereotype of the first-born Asian male.

I'd like to think it's just a part of my personality. I've seen examples of families of friends growing up and seen their family interaction. Some were contentious. Some friends were essentially kicked out of the house at 18 (could be to teach their kids how to live on their own or because they were sick of their kids). In any case I bet that I have modeled my interactions with my family based on what my parents have shown me, what I've observed in life, and what my natural personality is.

I don't necessarily think that that this was something forced on me or something someone told me to do. Maybe if you trace my bloodline to the very early part the environments were different then. The chances of survival in this world depended on having a strong family vs. becoming a novus homo and completely shunning your family.


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